DAT 210
DAT 210 Data Programming Languages
DAT 210 Wk 5 – Practice Reading ..
DAT 210 Wk 4 – Practice Reading ..
DAT 210 Wk 3 – Practice Reading ..
DAT 210 Wk 2 – Practice Reading..
DAT 210 Wk 1 – Practice Reading ..
DAT 210 Wk 4 Discussion - Python CalculationsPost a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate..
DAT 210 Wk 5 Discussion - Python Database TablePost a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separa..
DAT 210 Wk 3 Discussion - Java Arrays and MethodsPost a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 sepa..
DAT 210 Wk 2 Discussion - Java CodePost a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for ..
DAT 210 Wk 1 Discussion - Database TablesPost a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate day..
DAT 210 Wk 1 Discussion - Database TablesPost a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate day..
DAT 210 Wk 4 - Apply: LabsComplete the Wk 4 zyLabs. Labs are hands-on, auto-graded assignments. You ..
DAT 210 Wk 3 - Apply: LabsComplete the Wk 3 zyLabs. Labs are hands-on, auto-graded assignments. You ..
DAT 210 Wk 2 - Apply: LabsComplete the Wk 2 zyLabs. Labs are hands-on, auto-graded assignments. You ..
DAT 210 Wk 5 - Apply: LabsComplete the Wk 5 zyLabs. Labs are hands-on, auto-graded assignments. You ..
DAT 210 Wk 1 - Apply: Signature Assignment: Relational Database TableImagine you work for an indepen..
DAT 210 Week 5 Functional Programming Currency Converter (2020 New)Your software company was invited..
DAT 210 Week 5 Final Quiz (2020 New)Prepare for the open book quiz to be handed out during the last ..
DAT 210 Week 5 Functional Programming (2020 New)Your software company was invited to provide a propo..
DAT 210 Week 4 Write a Ruby Program (2020 New)The college IT department manager no longer wants to u..
DAT 210 Week 4 Process Files using Ruby (2020 New)The college IT department manager no longer wants ..
DAT 210 Week 3 Control Structures using Java (2020 New)You work for a software company has just crea..
DAT 210 Week 3 Control Structures(2020 New)You work for a software company has just created a new in..
DAT 210 Week 1 Create an Algorithm Using Pseudocode (2020 New)You work in the IT group of a departme..
DAT 210 Week 2 Using Loops in Python (2020 New)You recently graduated college and you are applying f..
DAT 210 Week 5 Functional Programming Your software company was invited to provide a proposal f..
DAT 210 Week 4 Write a Ruby Program The college IT department manager no longer wants to use sp..
DAT 210 Week 3 Control Structures You work for a software company has just created a new incent..
DAT 210 Week 2 Using Loops in PythonYou recently graduated college and you are applying for a progra..
DAT 210 Week 1 Create an Algorithm Using Pseudocode You work in the IT group of a department st..
Showing 1 to 30 of 30 (1 Pages)